
Showing posts from July, 2007

We Stay Beautiful

I sometimes wonder, we stay beautiful all our lives when we are born we are cute, when we grow up a little, our genuine and innocent thoughts are beautiful, when we become teenagers we become physically beautiful to capture others attentions, when we cross 20's our aims become beautiful, when we cross 30 our thoughts and emotions become beautiful, we we cross 40 or 50 our advice become beautiful, when we cross 70 our presence become beautiful................... We are always beautiful, yet we need someone in our lives to see that beauty.........yet if we see beauty everywhere we never become old.

On the way back...

On the way back after watching The Simpson Movie, I met this Taxi Driver, I usually talk to Taxi drivers as for me the best any one knows the city are the taxi drivers. He just had 1 month experience as a taxi driver, I asked him what he used to do before that, he said he use to do nothing, as his father is a green card holder in USA so are his two brothers and mother also, than I asked him how did he came here, he said, He was one of the nasty guys we can't think off, lived a European Men Kind of life (W) Women, Wine and Weed, but when he returned home his mother asked him " Rahmat what have you brought for me", he said I had nothing for my mother that day :( he said he wasted his three years.......then he came back to become a labour, and now in driving.....just to tell his parents he is capable of doing something......He left everything just for the spirit which was born in him..... I wonder what would happen when we would go back to God, won't God ask us ...

Iraq and USA

Iraq won the Asian football Championship, :) at last there is something to celebrate for them, I went to see few CNN news, It only makes me think that Americans are now becoming so scared of everything. Their favourite word is off course " Terrorism ", have you ever heard of the word "Bio Terrorism " or "Food Terrorism " which off course they put a blame on China, as Chinese food export have raised up to 350 percent in last year, making up to 10,000,00 container shipments to USA. off course its becoming the third biggest economy in the world, but I don't understand one thing, why do USA consider people as their enemies if even they have nothing to do with them :). I feel sometimes in countries like USA, Ignorance is a blessing too :)

Me at the ocean

I went to see, Burj ul Arab at night along with the moon on its full, as B urj is near the sea shore I walk across the sea shore to make my feet wet a little, told my self its no use to come to the beach if you don't make your feet wet at least . Sea is a very odd thing for me, it makes me think sometimes, its like love between two people who are shores, sea connects them, when the sea drys mean love dies. I see the waves, they come and go, just like sudden enthusiasm we have some time, it comes and goes. No matter how dangerous the sea is, fisherman never stop going to search for their food in that. No matter how dangerous our loved ones are we never leave them too. Sea is always alone, so are we, people come and go from the shores, they might touch our lives, but they never remain with us. Sea is big as our heart sometimes, but we never know the depth of it unless we get into it, similarly to the people we can't know unless we get really close to them. Human is equal to a...

Men are like Wolves....

My Team mate Martha is gonna leave our company, she didn't liked the idea of becoming a consultant for a bank, so I have to fill her shoes now. She is changing her field to Sales in a major Real Estate company in Dubai. I gave her a book called How to sell anything and Everything and only gave her one advice for life I guess "Men are like Wolves, you have to be Fox to get rid of them"..... It made me wonder sometimes, life of a woman in this man oriented world, or let me say Wolves oriented world, looking for their prays all the time... I hope they understand and respect women some day, not as symbols, but as equal human beings ............ I hope


It made me wonder last night, how can we forgive people, how do we forgive our selves, how do God forgives us, I simply find out that only if we understand other than we can forgive them, or ourselves. We always believe person who forgive is stronger than the person who commits wrong, but what if the person we forgive never realize that he has done something wrong. Its difficult to hate and forget than forgive and forget. haterate remains in our lives, it reflects into our nature. Forgiveness makes us great, which by the way is the attribute of God. I remember a saying which goes like this, "We can't be strong unless, we learn how to forgive". But, I don't understand how can we forgive and forget USA for what it has done in Iraq or Afghanistan or Sudan or Palistine, it means we can never be strong again : ). By the will of God we will forgive and forget InshaAllah.


I was with my friends last night, you guys would think we would have had fun, going to mountains, watching movies blah blah. I wondered last night, we are strange, instead of talking and spending time together we go and watch movies, to become a mere partner to see a movie. Sometimes at home also, people tend to spend time together watching tele , or listening to the music my question is simple, do we really enjoy the time we watch TV or do we really enjoy the time when we are together?. By the way we went to see the best road in the world yesterday :), most of the time talking about materialistic world too off course . Small things do make a diffrence in our lives, but the things which are important in our lives are not things :)

Love and Soul

I sometimes wonder, why do we replace super natural entities like love and life as a physical formats in our lives, we say love dies, so does the passion, according to the law of Physics Matter nor can be created nor can be destroyed it just transforms in different states. I wonder as a human what would happen to me as a matter when I would die, I would convert into fertilizer for the earth on which I walk on or I would convert into the liquid which is poured in our cars to give life to it, then I would be with the clouds when I convert into a smoke, then the rain drop, then I come down to earth again from sky, get mixed up with the fertilizer which I was converted into earlier, form a plant......blah blah blah. I can't die in a sense of it, it just that I would change the form right now I am in. What would happen to my soul, where will t go, will God take it away and keep it in the "Soul Freezer" and keep it there till the day of judgment?, my question is will my soul...

Karbala-e-Lal Masjid

At Last Government failed, Naveed Masood Hashmi , Wrote a column in Daily Ausaf , which r iped of every fake drama which Government was playing, young girl of 12 year old seem to me like she was greater than any man or women I have ever seen in my life, true follower of the Prophet, I wish I was there, I wish I would have died for my God, I wish I had the spirit to do it, but we are again struck in this horrible horrible world, where we fight the battle of survival. I would repeat her words as she said, "We are the daughters of Syedena Ayesha RaziAllah Tallah Unhoan , We are the daughters of Syedena Khaola u Khansa Razi Allah Tallah Unhoon , People who targeted our Vail are the followers of the devil, we would die and meet our God in his palace you would never catch us we would never surrender, few hundred women with Vail have challenged your system and slapped you so hard that you won't forget it for ages"................................ I wish her bloo...

Red Mosque..

As Everyone is talking about it, so I thought may be I can also write something about it, every Taxi Driver here in UAE is pissed off by our government , they ask me now and then was it right or wrong what our Government did, I just tell them, "Politics is Not Just a Joke" its a bloody game, They Say the guy leading the so called insurgents Shaheed Abdul Rashid Ghazi's way of dealing with the things was wrong, I also say it was wrong, but can any one now implement the "Right" way please. One thing which impressed me was when he was giving his last interview, He knew he is going to Die, he was counting his breaths, his mother was beside him "Dying" by the way, but his voice didn't shattered, I am so AMAZED, I wonder One man Can make a diffrence. "Better to die on your feet than live on your knees".........

What I am gonna Cook

As a single bachelor , it happens to me allot of time, I am sitting and wondering what do I have to cook today, to treat my self, I wonder sometimes that God is also treating us in this world, we have no idea of what are we gonna eat day after tomorrow , but he have done all calculations of everything that would happen to us, people say sometimes to me that if everything is written then why did God sent us to this world, the answer lie in the field of Dynamic Programming, most of you who have an idea of Genetic computers might have the idea of what I am talking about, in simple in Dynamic Programming decision is made of the current state of the system, but all those decisions are pre -embedded in the system, I wonder God plays as the biggest programmer of the universe, he defined rules and abstractions, GOD LOVE ABSTRACTION, he also loves simplicity though, but his simplicity is very complex. I guess my Blog has also got complex, I am thinking I can make some red meat :D.

Ordinary People

I watched a old movie called "Ordinary People", A real family Drama, its was so real even I felt one of its character at some stages of the story, I loved Mary Tyler Moore's Performance, offcourse Timothy Hutton was also great, moreover its a deep insight story of family breakage. Hey, I also get the answer to my Question: We feel more sad than when someone stop loving us, instead of feeling sad when someone start hating us. Any ways, I feel hatrate comes after love is stopped so we have already felt sad about it :). JSF is going along good, hope to get my hands to some Business Process Flow Models and ICFaces


I watched this movie today, definitely one of the best movies this week, "Socialization" in America has taken over, fear, less education and less confidence are letting there politicians control them, is it only America, what about us, Pakistan, OK we have got some good hospitals but, what is the government doing, 9000 Corores in 5 years? only MNA's ate this money, for what?, Hisba Bill? 9/11, 7/7, killing and hunting terrorist which don't exists? or making laws to ease people to meet and drink? and easy for bad guys to rape women?, how many new universities were formed?, how many new hospitals?, public health care is "ZERO", so is public educational system, its easy for you and me to write and say any thing we want to say and write, but what is the freaking solution to it all?, we are distributed, either our culture or either or religion can be a blending forces, but no to it all also, Government can't control it all, for me we don't need thi...

Cooking a Dall :)

Well, as the subject says, its really the Recipe to Cook Dall, so it goes like this, you come back from office, (its very very important to follow as I say), don't takes off your shoes, don't even wash your face, don't even change, see that's the Idea of it all, now decide which Dall you have to cook, I decide one or two days before what I have to cook, so for me it was Dall Masoor , take out some Dall and put it in the water, now you are washing it first, as your are very hygiene in matters of eating, cut the onions, hey I forgot to switch on the Laptop, switch it on, watch if any one from your family is on line to share your experiences , hell no, no body is here, OK so we cut the onions, and put them in the water, also putting water in our eyes too :), Even Food can make us cry sometimes, well, cut some lactus , and some ginger, forgot to mention green spices, change the water of the dall and put in on the stove to Boil for exactly 10 Minutes, Put the onions in ...