
Showing posts from September, 2007

My Mother Tongue...

My Mom can't speak English, so can't my grandfather, unluckily they were not born in the age when education especially in English was common. My mother like to watch sports sometimes too, especially when national teams are playing. Now what makes me feel odd about those sports shown on the television is that commentary English is spoken such that 100 percent of the nation speaks English, which by the way is not true, only 10% to 15 % people can speak and understand it....then why are these channels not translating them to the national language....why are they taking away the real entertainment from people by imposing language barriers between them...... How can a nation grow if they don't respect for their language...I wonder.

Shortest Poem....


The Song.....

Sometimes we sing, without music, without any partner, without words, without rhythms, without consistency, without plan, sing with our souls, Sing with the rhythm divine, sing with angels, sing with our selves, yet there are few people who can listen to these songs of life, who can see our souls dancing with us, who know the exact words we are going to sing next, who know meaning of every word we sing, who know the meaning of silence we give while singing too, who knows our next step as we dance, who knows why we dance when we dance when we stop. Singing with our soul may be easy, sing for life may also be easy but finding people like these is very hard in life……………. Its hard to find two people who love each other and understand each other so well........


I remember a famous quote which says, "Anger is one letter short of Danger".....I wondered why do we get angry?....most of the time it is the conflict of interest which gives birth to anger or is it the fear which give birth to anger as we become more protective and more possessive, as anger grows our hatred also grows and in the end, hatred leads to fights and sufferings for both ourselves and others too, I shall say anger is like a wild horse, we can keep it under control or it controls us, taking us to destinations which we can never imagine.......


We all love good smells, smell of perfume, smell of good food or good flowers and sometimes smell of each other also. I wonder today, which smell last long, which smell never goes out of our mind, it sticks to our brain for the whole life, off course it’s the smell of our words, Words have smell too, they have long lasting effects on our minds, good or bad that’s another question. The bitterest thing and the sweetest thing in the world is our tongue, the words we deliver reflects the thoughts we have. My mother always use to tell me when I was young, your tongue is my reflection use it well to tell people about me.


Well as a Muslim we are bound to fast for a whole month, this month is called Ramadan, well most of the people might know about Ramadan and its blessings too, but trust me its not a blessing in my country, well you might like a old school teacher ask for examples, well here are few of them, "You can't find wheat or rice, all chickens are golden egg laying hens :), oil, vegetables you name it, and its expensive :), well I forgot to mention that after Ramadan there is a day called " Eid ", on which people make new cloths, well it has been a long time since everyone made new cloths too... I wonder in west if Christmas comes everything becomes cheap, but here in my country everything becomes expensive, I wonder when will the mean mentality of people would go, when would government take control of supplies and prices.... I shall go and open my fast now, we are all use to the system now :).

Family Creature........

I have a Spanish friend, his mother is visiting him these days, I asked him why don't you call your mother here as she is old and there is no one in Spain to look after her too, he said no its my "private" life, I can't share it with any one else ....... I was really shocked at that moment, I said to my self, when he was young and his mother looked after him, she never said to him "son you are disturbing my private life"......when she took him to the hospitals, she never said that too, when she cooked for him, when she washed his cloths, clean his room, take care of him, work hard for him for his studies as in Europe women work too...........she never said those words, I am not saying let your mother or your parents decide your life or let them do what they want to do with it, but I am just saying that at least respect them for their hardships, their efforts....I guess, we know our parents when we become parents too...well he is 38 now, I don't know when...

A Gift.......

Sometimes in life, we see miracles around us they are miracles if we believe they are miracles off course, like for example life is it self a miracle , so is everything around us, but I am not talking about life today, I am talking about the life of a lady whom we met, as she was very old, had no hands she had her body burnt when she was a child and she had a son to feed too, we asked her too take some money, but she felt disrespect, I remember that when we asked her to sell us water and gave some extra money to her, she said I won't take the money like this, and she ran on her bicycle to get something for us,a gift, well she did gave us the gift....I call it gift of will, will to struggle, will to go on..........we never asked her name, we tried to meet her on the same place again too....but we never would, but luckily we did met her, but she forgot all about us, as her memory was short. On the same day, we met another lady also, she was doing the most difficult thing in life,...

Eggs, Carrots and Coffee.....

You might have heard this before, if you put eggs in water they come out hard, if you put out carrots in water they come out soft, if you put out coffee in water it changes the color of the water it adds the taste of it to the water, it produces smell....I wonder sometimes we humans are also like those three, some people become hard when they become under pressure and heat, others become soft and some change the things around them for positive...they leave there smell, they leave there tastes, they dissolve in the system to change it, just like coffee..

Stand up meeting.....

I am taking a coffee break in the morning, with my colleagues in the pantry, we are discussing what we did last week, where we are heading this week, over all these small meetings are for brain sync... technically these 5 minute meetings are called Stand up meetings, which are intended to communicate problems, solutions, and promote team focus. Believe me and you can try it your self these meeting are far better then the long discussions every day. It makes me wonder I can do it to my self too, 5 minutes a day in the morning, 5 in the middle and 5 at the end just to stop running for a while, meet my self and communicate.