
Showing posts from August, 2009

The Typical Cycle

Around the time we turn, say, 11 to 15, we begin to experience a rush of strange and powerful interest in certain other members of the human race. This rush, to one degree or another, typically continues throughout the rest of our lives. To our surprise, we suddenly find our hearts pounding, our voices quivering, our breath short, we think of "him" or "her" aaaall the time . . . they transform into the doorway to happiness, holding our trembling heart in their hands, ripe with the promise of ever-lasting bliss . . . - or maybe . . .this just launches us on a predictable chain of events. . . The Typical Cycle Step One: "The Catch" Going through life. Someone catches your eye. Thought: "They can make me happy!" "This is what I've been waiting for all of my life." Promise of fulfillment. The future is bright, and bursting with potential. "Love is what happens to a man and a woman who don't know each other....