
Showing posts from November, 2007

Writing Something....

I thought what to write today...I shall not write just for the sake of we say, we shall not speak just for the sake of speaking...I just remembered the diffrence between a clever and a fool...clever person thinks before he speaks...fool speaks before he thinks :))...


I asked one of my friend yesterday how is our country doing these days...(Just for the sake of discussions ) he was shocked to know that I didn't knew anything :), I told myself, who cares about the worrying factor of a country when people are not happy individually, when people are worried about them selves, about their living, about their children, about their next meal even. why will they worry about the country and why do they care who comes and who as we are a poor country I think no body gives a damm to what happens :)). I will find a place to live in few days now, hope to get regular news by then..which by the way will never affect my life LOL .


I am a bit worried these days, may be because of that I have lost weight also :), (don't try this at home)..I thought in the morning today may be I am worried emotionally, politically, financially, and also socially but these worries would be with me for all my life, I would always care for my loved ones, I will always be worried about them, I will always strive to become financial sound, socially and politically people would try to look better than me, they will always pressurize me to be better than what I am. Worries and sadness is the part of life khaled, they complete our lives. Your loved ones are supporting you in these times, they will always support you, till the time you don't give up and even if you give up they will help you to get back on your feet, you are lucky to have them....


My father is armed forces officer, and so is my grand father. They fought few battles also. I wonder today I have not fought a battle, I have never seen my enemies but may be I have seen my enemy, my fear, my fear is my enemy, fears of the unknown, fear of loosing, fearing of having nothing, fear of having fear….fear is the greatest enemy, and I have to fight my self to get over it…


Our priorities in life change..but one thing sometimes really amazes me, some or shallI say most of the peoples priority in life is "Me" selfishness you might call thatkeeping your self first no matter what..some people priority is their loved ones..other prefer carriers, their money or time...for some the life after, and trust mefor some people nothing is important :)


I got the new pc from my office, frankly speaking I never like the defaultwallpapers or default mouse or keyboards... :), so habitually I will change them all now. I went to one of my favourite sites to downloadsome reasonable wallpapers...I find one of the wallpaper which is now on my desk..its a crack on the wall...made me think that there is a crack in civilizations matter how much we try to paint it this crack can't disappear..people and generations have diffrences, diffrent beliefs, diffrent understanding of lifeand them selves..diffrent priorities in life which change from time to time...


I met someone in front of whom I did a small favor to some one....the guy got so so furious he said...was the other person willing to do the favor to you? I said No, then he asked me, why did I did the favor, and what did I got from that...I told him I don't do things to get something...Do Good..Goods would happen to you.... he got more furious :D...well later on I told him, its not that people can return you good...fate also returns you in a good manner...

New life...

I am standing where my life is going to take a job, new faces around me, new commitments, new pressure, new routs, new desk, everything physical thing is going to be new around me....I did made mistakes earlier one of very close person to me said "our life is the art work of our own hands" ....I can't change my past, but I can make my future better from here on wards...mistakes are beautiful, we are lucky that we make mistakes if we learn from them...else its mere stupidity... I hope I get what I want... Khdhee ko kar buland itna......

Point to Point....

My new friend really made me angry today, as he was explaining something to me, and I asked him why does this thing do that (Reasoning) but my friend was unable to provide me any reasons....for a moment off course I did get angry as I thought he might be hiding something from me, or he is reluctant from me....but then I thought may be he also didn't knew "WHY" may be his learning is also point to point.......then I thought of those extremist people around us, whose thought never know why...they are not open to reasoning, they act to what they believe....others beliefs can never make a difference to them....their intentions are their beliefs or may be their beliefs are their intention...the way you like it :) At last Musharaf is gonna take off his uniform..its not a strip show :).

First Day...

Its hard to catch a taxi here, I stood for 15 minutes after which I found one, he was a new driver on job, it was his first assignment, all the way he called me Sir, I was amazed by that, as he acted more like a scoffer, he later on told me, I was his first customer ...later on when he dropped me, he asked me not to pay, but I told him, that I would be glad if he accepts this payment...he took the payment, shock my hand, and with respect put them on his head............said good bye to me in a very very pleasant manner.......I hope he would remain that way..I hope..........


There are million and millions of blogs around the world, we can read what ever you want to , we can see what ever we want to, its not like the old good days when the truth was imposed on us, we were told to belive what was shown but not actully what was the with the age of communication and collaboration truth can't be hidden, I wonder the new form of propogandas form of information hiding, new form of lies, or shall I say new form of enforcment of truth....user generated contents do make a diffrence but I still feel it has allot to do......

Think Simple....

As architects our responsibility is to create a sustainable architecture which not only fulfil the needs on the basis of customer request but also highlights the functional, technological, operational and marketing requirements, which can focus not only in the present state of the requirements but which can also pass the test of time as it comes, architecture is also an art by the way, solving certain problems (creating certain problems too), making things easier…I wonder today what is the theme behind the design of everything, is there a formula to solve all the problems? I know thinking simple is the solution to every problem, but how to learn the art of thinking simple……………..