Golden Rules of Traffic..

Well no no, I am not gonna tell you to look in the back mirror while you turn, or give indicator or stop before the zebra crossing or stop when police ask you to stop, or don't bribe police, or the people walking on the road are also humans and you have to respect them this does not all happen here in this country.

See the rule is simple "There is no Rule", You have to break the signal, unless you don't break it you don't feel that you have done any thing in a day, see the police please don't run, it wont cost you more than a dolor for any traffic violation...if it is one way road and you need to cross it please watch on both sides of the road because there is no concept of one way in this country also....Don't trust zebra crossing trust your instincts..Zebra Crossing by the way 90% of the drivers don't know what it is made for, oh yeah I forget to tell you, they don't have license also :)....but I am amazed to see that these same guy drive taxis all over the world, except Afghanistan (LOL), and they are trusted to be the best drivers, then why don't they do what they do in other countries also :)

Independence means sacrifice :)

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