
I sometimes wonder, while eating that the thing which I am eating have been touched by so many hands, it has crossed so many lands, I don't know where it was cultivated or in case of meat where was that animal slaughtered.

I wonder how people would have looked after it or grown it up, watered it, then took them off the trees, the air that touched it, the water that help it grew, the people who grew it, might be alive or dead, still living the poor life while I enjoy the good meal.

I wonder if I eat it after a while it would be hot or it would be cold, its taste would be different, may be today it is different tomorrow it would change.

There is a saying that our food follows us just like our death, I wonder God have also calculated the food we eat, if he have calculated that than we can't get more than that or even less than that than why do people fight over it?.........:)

Have a nice meal than :)

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